March 10, 2010

The Bingle bingle

I'm sorry, but I do care. No matter how hard I try to ignore it, I want to know. I am hungry for more. Feed me tabloids, feed me. (Maybe I'm confusing my hunger for Bingle gossip, with hunger for carbs?)

It's wrong, oh so wrong, but I'm not just enjoying the Bingle bingle. I have an opinion too. Actually a couple of opinions.

Opinion 1. Michael Clarke should not be given the Australian captaincy. He should, however, be given a cup of cement.

Opinion 2. Lara Bingle is not very bright. Brendan Fevola. Max Markson. The SCG. John Ibrahim. Allegedly.

Opinion 3. Lara Bingle is young. Young people make mistakes. (Lord knows I've made plenty.) But sadly for the luscious Lara, mistakes that denigrate the reputation of Australian cricketers are the worst kind of mistake you can make in this country. Messing with an Australian cricketer that most people are particularly fond of is particularly unforgivable.

Because that's why the public's so outraged at the Bingle bingle.


It's got nothing to do with the enjoyment we mere mortals get at seeing a pretty, thin, rich model-girl squirm.


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