March 21, 2010

News Kids on the Block

For the last ten years or so I've thought it would be a brilliant idea to get some alpacas. Even when I lived in my little shoe box in Como, and I'd only ever been on one farm (thanks to Large Westlake in Calingiri) I still thought owning some alpacas was an ingenious idea.


Tess McLeod.

Everything I knew about farming, pre-Woody, I learnt from Tess, Claire and Stevie. Oh don't forget Kate and Jodie.

And Tess McLeod was all about the alpacas.

So after four and a half years of talking up the benefits of alpacas (as stated by Tess McLeod)and dropping hints and sending subliminal messages and demanding a pet alpaca, Woody and his Dad have actually bought some.

I've named them Rocky, Willie and Kenny. (As in Balboa, Nelson and Rogers.)

But you know what Tess failed to mention?

They're arseholes.

1 comment:

  1. Funny! I believe they also spit, and have a mean temper .. or is that where the arseholes bit comes from.
